Sichuan pepper
Out of the area
The GOISERER SZECHUAN pepper is something very special. As “Zugeroasta”, the Asian, an exotic specimen of its kind, has felt at home in our fields in Marcel's garden for almost ten years. Marcel has perfected the cultivation and harvest over the years - a real challenge. The particularly strong aroma is always worth every effort. Strictly speaking, the SZECHUAN does not belong to the pepper family, but to the citrus family. SZECHUAN PEPPER is not only a culinary enrichment, but also beneficial for health. In TCM, the antioxidants contained have a stimulating effect on the spleen and kidneys and help with digestive problems or a feeling of fullness. The pepper is also considered diuretic, hypotensive and appetite stimulant. In Japan, SZECHUAN is valued as a natural antidote for fish poisoning.

Without additives

Without flavor enhancers

from Austria